Cross Country Season Information

The Cross Country Club team is a dedicated group of runners who share a passion for this physically and mentally challenging sport. Whether you are a seasoned runner or a beginner, we welcome all members who are interested in improving their fitness, building camaraderie, and participating in races.

Our club meets regularly to train, discuss technique, and participate in group runs. Our experienced coaches provide guidance and support to help each member reach their individual goals, whether that is completing their first 2k or breaking a personal record.

In addition to regular training, the club participates in a variety of local and regional races throughout the season. This provides an opportunity for members to compete and test their skills against other runners in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Whether you are looking to improve your fitness, make new friends, or simply enjoy the sport of running, the RCTC Cross-Country Club is the perfect place for you. Come join us for a run and see for yourself what we are all about!

General Information

We run our cross country program from August to December annually. We welcome kids aged 6-18 years old to participate in our program. Parents are highly encouraged to be involved, but please do not conflict with the operations of the club.

Practice Schedule

We hold practice on Tuesday and Thursdays from 5:30pm-7:00pm.


We practice at the Cordova High School Track and Throwing Facilities located at 2239 Chase Dr, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670


Event info will be updated.

Age Restrictions

Event info will be updated.

What You Get?

Things you get when signing up for track and field:

  • Jersey
  • Shorts

Championship Events

Event info will be updated.

Sportsmanship Rules

Sportsmanship info will be updated.